Every Escondido Union High School District (EUHSD) school has full-time counselors, social workers, and psychologists to support student social-emotional well-being. In addition to services and supports provided by EUHSD staff, our district partners with community agencies to provide on-campus behavioral health services for students and families. All services are referral based and require student and guardian consent.
On-campus supports include:
- A safe space for wellness and self-care
- Individual and group counseling
- Case management: consultation, advocacy, referrals to outside agencies
- Caregiver resources
- Crisis response services
- Outreach and home visits
- Facilitation of student-led mental health awareness clubs
- McKinney-Vento & foster youth services
- Social-emotional learning, MTSS, restorative practice, trauma-informed staff member
- Backpacks, school supplies, hygiene kits, & more for students in need
For more information on any of these, contact a school counselor or social worker.